We continue with our village boy chit chat. The trend now is that once you are called a village anything, you are confined to the backbench. You cant possibly be an informed being.
All the natural instincts born in you count for nothing. Your family DNA, ingrained with honesty, hardwork that goes back centuries means nothing.
Today, education is the family background we need. The only reference. It matters not how the degree is obtained. It matters not the moral suicide that may have taken place whilst getting 'there". Just put together a C.V. and that cleanses you for life of the village boy tag.
The result today steers us in the face. Yes, we have made tons of material progress, all thanks to our oil wealth. We have built more schools, hospitals, roads and all that. All with imported materials and knowhow. On the moral side, we have deterioted badly.
The village boy has won after all. With more infrastructure, we get less value especially since the 1950s era went by.
We reflect on the past and see what goes on today. We had very few houses of worship back then and prayed less but from our elders though, we know there was uninterrupted power supply. From them, we now know in tne cities, we had clean water and good roads and a rail service that worked.
So we will continue to reflect. We know the population has balooned but so does China and India as well.
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