Saturday, October 4, 2014

Barka Da Sallah

Eko bridge, then.

The blog continues to learn. The original vision of visiting the past that reflects on the present and the future continues to remain relevant. 

We have a glorious past worthy of pride. We have also done a few horrible things that continues to haunt us.

I take pride in the leaders we had between 1940 and 1960. These were men and women who gave their all and had the full attention of their people.

I take pride in the communal life we had. We were one and in the village, we wete all children of the same parents. 

Govt hse, Enugu, then

I understand we had a rocking night life with musicions in clubs all weekend. I learnt we had uninterrupted electricity and railways that worked. 
I was told there was a time you could buy things on the road and pay even when the seller was not there. Imagine!

I am just learning that the first premier of the Northern Region, Ahmadu Bello had only one house to his name. Wow.
I also hear that the first Prime Minister of the country, Sir Tafawa Balewa had just the one house too. Na wa o!

So whilst wishing us all Barka Da Sallah, I wish to continue to reflect and learn some more. I will  therefore be guided by the good in us and refuse to be swayed by the sheer greed that abounds today. 

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