Wednesday, October 8, 2014

the village boy (3)

The village boy series is meant to show how within the confines of a community, we lived differently. How because of the values we shared, we were honest in our dealings.

The village had rules. Breaking any, like stealing, meant we brought shame to our family. We tried all we could not to bring dishonour to the family name.

Bringing shame meant bad references. If a member of your family has to marry for instance, the first question is 'from what family is he/she? 

Stealing or getting involved in shady business meant bad references. Anybody in the village will instantly discourage an outsider from doing business with all members of your family.

So from birth, you are taught to respect the family name. You are expected to work hard and add value. 

The village had hierachy. There was the king or council of elders. The moral, cultural and political rules could be enforced by the king. 

As humans, there were petty quarrels. You are summoned before the king and chiefs and the issues are resolved. A serial troublemaker could be deported for a long time. 

The family name then must be protected. It must be cherished. It was always a sad day if you commit a crime that will bring bad references to the home. A sad day indeed.


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